6 Tips for reducing server sosts

The recent recession wasn’t all bad. Forcing companies to look harder for ways to reduce costs is just one positive impact of a challenging economy. In fact, this is something all organizations should do regardless of the economic climate. Make sure you don’t overlook this critical process now that we are well into a recovery phase.
AYKsolutions is here to help your company save money. Here are 6 tips for reducing server costs:

Tip #1: Have a clear vision and strategy for your website.

A clear vision and strategy for your website is crucial to avoiding unnecessary server expenditures. Invest sufficient time to determine exactly how your website will help you achieve the goals laid out in your business plan. Making repetitive changes and constantly putting out fires costs money. Being visionary and proactive will eliminate superfluous expenditures.

Tip #2: Consult with a professional.

Consulting a professional in regard to your server can create appreciable short- and long-term savings. In your business, you are able to help your customers by providing them with your valuable expertise. A specialist in dedicated server hosting will review your enterprise, analyze expectations and needs, and help choose the ideal options for your business server in a professional and planned manner.

Tip #3: Consolidate and optimize your database.

Consolidating and optimizing your data is another way to reduce server costs. Most companies are sitting on mountains of data as a result of the increase in internet usage, digital marketing, newsfeeds, and abundant applications. By identifying and eliminating duplicate and obsolete data, associated server costs can be reduced.

Tip #4: Classify your data.

Classifying data is also an important step in reducing server costs. Taking into consideration any regulatory, industry, and company-specific requirements, data can be separated into segments, such as “Critical” [requires immediate and uninterrupted access], “Important” [can be unavailable for a limited amount of time], and “Backup” [no immediate need, but required for long-term access]. This can allow your server host to handle your data in the most cost efficient manner.

Tip #5: Think Long-Term.

Looking at the big picture will almost always save you money down the line. Where will you be in 3, 5, 10 years? Choosing a “bargain” server host or purchasing the cheapest hardware and/or software may save you some money up front, but don’t be fooled by a “great deal.” The odds are it will cost you more in the long-term. Ultimately, your business requirements should drive server decisions, especially when it comes to the people and tools to manage it. Companies who proactively plan and protect their server investment can save thousands, possibly millions, of dollars over time.

Tip #6: Periodically revisit Your Strategy and Server Requirements.

The company who plans ahead, stays ahead. Revisiting your website strategy and server requirements at regular intervals will keep you on top of server costs. Take a fresh look at your website’s effectiveness and efficiency, note any shifts in industry protocols and trends, and check in with your customers’ behavior. Think of it as fire prevention.

source: ayksolutions.com
