Terms of service

Things you should know when using services personal website Super Car

I – Copyright :

1 – All content in SERVER - HOSTING self written and compiled from various sources. We respect copyright and we copy each article totally not a copy, taken from the other website.
2 – You has right and are encouraged to share the article of Website to the social website, forum… with the purpose of building the community from those articles.
3 – Restricting copying the articles from SERVER - HOSTING when not receiving the agreements of admin board of what to be known.
4 – When you copying, the article have to quote clearly the source and adjust the navigation to SERVER - HOSTING into hyperlink ! ( readers could click to back to the source of link)
5 – That is the website written by board of admin, so we take charge if the website violate the human rights or the right at the local.

II. Terms :

1:: You are free to comment on the article, if having any question, please contact through Admin’s email or yahoo.
2 :: If having any comment should use the accurate English language.
3 :: Comment on the line to build, support other ones.
4 :: Comment need to be polite, delicate language, not criticize, not hurt anyone
5 :: Comment no need to have Spam link, spam paper….Website has assistance to located text link with all other  legal websites, please contact to discuss.
6 :: Command to ban using sensitive languages, discriminate race.
7 :: Ban no classify on website with comments. All above violated behaviors are deleted without any notification. If you relapse many times, we will stop your IP account.
SERVER - HOSTING I sincerely thank the readers
